Le premier groupe de services immobiliers de Budapest
Quartier 6 • 2 Chambres • Taille: 93 m2
We offer for rent a 2 bedroom apartment in a beautiful villa building.
The apartment also has a carport in the garden.
Common charges: 40.160 HUF
The apartment has a living room with open kitchen and 1 large and 1 small bedroom.
It has a balcony with views over the Epreskert.
2nd floor. no elevator.
93 sqm. Elevation: 2 floors, entrance hall, terrace, garden, garden with garden furniture. Very bright!
The paintings and antique furniture shown in the pictures are not in the apartment. and only the oak furniture is inside.
Rent: 649.000 HUF + overhead. with 2 months deposit.
* Les prix de location sont basés sur un contrat de location minimum de 12 mois.
Le prix en EUR est donné uniquement à titre indicatif, calculé au taux de change de 1 EUR = 414 HUF
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