Le premier groupe de services immobiliers de Budapest
Quartier 2 • 3 Chambres • Taille: 98 m2
We offer an exclusive apartment for rent on the 1st floor at Szépvölgyi út 61/b, in a quiet, no through traffic area. The apartment has a floor area of 64 sqm with loft of 21 sqm, a living room and two bedrooms. Furthermore, it has a terrace of 34 sqm, a storage (12 sqm), 1 garage and outdoor parking included in the rental fee. And additional garage space can be rendted for 100 EUR/month.
The apartment is in furnished condition, fully equipped with appliances, a smart system and a cooling and heating system with extractor fan. The house has its own gardener and cleaning staff to keep the communal areas clean and has an outdoor CCTV system to ensure the security of the residents.
The apartment can be rented with a two-month deposit and for a minimum period of one year.
* Les prix de location sont basés sur un contrat de location minimum de 12 mois.
Le prix en EUR est donné uniquement à titre indicatif, calculé au taux de change de 1 EUR = 414 HUF
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