Budapests führende Immobilien-Servicegruppe
Distrikt 12 • 1 Schlafzimmer • Größe: 41 m2
Immediately moveable apartment for rent on Széchenyi Hill, on Rege Road, in a beautiful green environment. The apartment is 41 m2 + terrace, fully renovated, equipped, partly furnished, as you can see in the pictures.
The property is located on the 3rd floor of a small apartment building.
There is parking in front of the house and the street is a no toll zone.
We are looking for a long-term tenant. Rent and common charges payable. The price includes VAT.
* Die Mietpreise basieren auf einem Mietvertrag mit einer Mindestlaufzeit von 12 Monaten.
Der Preis in EUR ist nur ein Hinweis, berechnet nach dem Kurs 1 EUR = 412 HUF
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