
Szarka Street Ref.: 35360 

Distrikt 5 • 2 Schlafzimmer • Größe: 78 m2


We offer a renovated apartment in district 5, in Szarka street and Váci street corner. It is situated in a good building on the 3. floor, the windows are facing to the street. It consist of living room, 2 bedrooms, kitchen, dining area, bathroom, toilet and storage. The apartment is equipped with a newly installed circo heating system. The price of the furniture is included in to the asking price.

Váci utca may be the most famous pedestrian area of Pest, an important part of the historic city center, a great place for shopping, and the center of the social and business life. The area is home for luxury and elegance with the international fashion brands and their exclusive shops. Váci utca is a great place for a walk, a date or for meeting with friends, and several historical monuments are available here, too. Currently 500 stores, catering and other services are available here.

  • Distrikt: 5
  • Schlafzimmer: 2
  • Größe: 78 m2
  • Etage: 3
  • Parkplatz: No
  • Blick: Straße
  • Möbliert: Ja
  • Aufzug: Ja
  • Klimatisiert: Ja
  • Miete:
  • 412.000 HUF
  • 1.000 EUR
  • Kontakt:
  • +3613540980

* Die Mietpreise basieren auf einem Mietvertrag mit einer Mindestlaufzeit von 12 Monaten.
Der Preis in EUR ist nur ein Hinweis, berechnet nach dem Kurs 1 EUR = 412 HUF
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